Prison and Jail Visitation   Tweet this

Major victories
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FCC briefings

Incarceration separates families — and not only by putting people behind bars. All too often, prisons, jails, and private companies impose policies that make it needlessly difficult to maintain family ties.

Our research has revealed that when families must travel great distances to visit loved ones in prison, visitation declines. We’ve also uncovered how sheriffs and private companies use video calling to eliminate human contact and have worked to protect in-person jail visits nationwide. Meanwhile, prisons continue to find other ways of making visitation difficult and degrading, such as strip-searching visitors and curtailing visiting hours.


Correctional video calling contracts

We've made our collection of correctional video calling contract documents public. Search them to see what companies are profting in your area.

Major victories

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Federal Communications Commission briefings

For years, we have been encouraging the Federal Communications Commission to bring fairness to the predatory video call industry and answering the FCC's questions about the technology and industry:

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News and editorials

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